Hip Hop Karaoke in Culture Trip’s 20 things to do in London in your 20s!
Huge thanks to Culture Trip for including us in their 20 things to do in London in your 20s article!
Huge thanks to Culture Trip for including us in their 20 things to do in London in your 20s article!
Was great to see Hip Hop Karaoke featured in Metro in their London To-Do List. Of course we agree and you can come EVERY Thursday at The Social London and …
Hip Hop Karaoke have teamed up with the mighty mighty Rockaoke and Soulbrew Karaoke to bring you all 3 events at the world-famous Scala!
In a recent quest to try his hand at becoming a rapper under the tutelage of Charlie Sloth and others, Radio 1’s Matt Edmonson recently graced the Hip Hop Karaoke …
‘Players Ball’, Southern Hospitality’s now classic monthly party and easily London’s wildest, crunkest event, was featured in Metro today, with of course a mention of Hip Hop Karaoke – respect …
Marie Claire magazine was at Hip Hop Karaoke @ The Social just before Christmas as one of their readers was taken there for part of their dating article. Well done …
Hip Hop Karaoke was recently featured in ES Magazine and I believe they really captured the essence of the event perfectly – the last paragraph or …
Respect to Metro for featuring Hip Hop Karaoke once again in their best things to do, but hey we’re actually WEEKLY now and STILL rammed to the rafters. Big shout …